Chacotte´s Cest Un Diamant

2019 års resultat
BIR/BOB valp x 5
BIM/BOS valp x 2
BIS 1 valp
BIS 2 valp

Stockholm Hundmässa 2019
Judge Luis Teixeira Pinto Portugal
Excellent Best junior 3
Judge critics: Would prefer a little bit more body. Correct mouth. Good dark eyes. Good set of ears. Normal front. Good topline. Moves well with a good set of tail

Judge critics: Nice head & expression. Correct earset, nice lenght of neck, good topline. Good front, nice on the move.
SDHK National Show Timrå 13 oktober
Domare Aisling Connolly Irland
BIM valp

Västernorrlands KK National Show 12 oktober
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2019-09-08 Högbo Nordic Show
Judge Carina Andersson Rapp Sweden

Högbo SDHK Show
Judge Guenther Ehrenreich Austria
BIR valp/Best Puppy
BIS 2 Puppy - Judge Gabriele Runge Germany
Judge critic: 7 month old. Very nice propotion, good size, correct bone, nice top- & underline. Feminin head, scissor bite, dark eyes, correct coat, sound movement, very nice presentation!

2019-08-18 Luleå SDHK show
Judge Monica Vikner Stafberg
BIS Puppy
Domarkritik: Mycket tilltalande tikvalp av bästa modell & storlek. Härligt huvud. Utmärkt skuldra & front, Härlig typisk siluett. Presenteras i mycket fin kondition med kritvit päls. Fint temperament. Rör sig med härlig attityd & utmärkt svans. Bästa valp!
Judge critic: Very attractive female puppy of best model & size. Lovely head. Excellent shoulder & front, Lovely typical silhouette. Presented in very fine condition with chalk white fur. Fine temperament. Moves with lovely attitude & excellent tail. Best puppy!

Överkalix National Show
Judge Charlotte Höier Denmark
Domarkritik: Härlig valp, fantastiskt temperament, så full av självtillit, typiskt huvud med mörka ögon, korrekta propotioner, skalle, nosparti, passande, inte för lång hals, särdeles snygg överlinje utan överdrifter, härliga rörelser, väldigt snygg päls och svansföring.
Judge critic: Lovely puppy, fantastic temperament, so full of confidence, typical head with dark eyes, correct proportions, skull, muzzle, fitting, not too long neck, very nice upper line without exaggerations, lovely movements, very nice coat and tail liner.

2019-08-03 Svenstavik Nordic Show
Judge Erin Brown Australia

Västerås Nordic Show 21 juli
BIR Valp
Domare / Judge Elisabetta De Luca